Reborn Clinic

Psychotherapy during a lockdown

Psychotherapy during a lockdown

We have a second lockdown in Ireland. The number of cases surge rapidly with a second wave across Europe. When will that end? Tiredness of uncertain future can bring a mental toll on mental health. Also isolation and loneliness for certain vulnerable groups can increase. Often people do not think about engaging in psychotherapy during this stressful time. Face to face is not as common however psychotherapy belongs to essential services. Yet if that is possible online therapy is available to use. This form of psychotherapy is not considered by some as a helpful way of delivery. We have to look at the messages that we learnt via media that a virtual world is only a negative tool. Studies do not support that. Online Therapy works the same way as face to face and you can be surprised how great tool that is. In particular CBT Psychotherapy works well by online delivery. From a comfort of your own home you can feel more safe. I recommend you to try. You can read more in online therapy section on this website. CBT Psychotherapy during lockdown can be not only a great tool for dealing with mental struggles but also you can take  a time to really get to know yourself. And that is a great adventure. That can also help you with a feeling of loneliness and isolation. If you engage in CBT Psychotherapy – you will receive a homework every week which will keep you preoccupied. Two benefits at once. In my practice I am also using various assessments and questionnaires that help to discover you for yourself. One important questionnaire is based on Schema Therapy. It is a great tool that shows what deeply rooted beliefs we hold on to. The time of uncertainty can be used for a stability within yourself. That is something you can control and develop regardless the circumstances outside of our control.

Hope you keep safe.